
  • 公司傳真:0631-5789884
  • 公司郵箱:weihaikaite@163.com
  • 公司地址:山東省威海市經區崮山鎮崮山路401號工業園22號廠房

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  威海凱特液壓技術有限公司位于美麗的海濱城市山東威海,致力于螺旋式擺動油缸的研發、制造、銷售與服務。公司產品廣泛應用于礦機、建筑機械、特種車輛、市政車輛等行業。可實現進口品牌的完全替代,凱特公司注重技術研發,視產品質量為生命。引進國外先進的技術和管理經驗,具有多名行業精英領銜的技術團隊。產品全部實現計算機輔助設計, 關鍵零部件由歐美進口。除供應標準系列產品外,還接受用戶的定制要求,已和國內外知名工程機械行業公司建立業務關系。

Situated in the beautiful coastal city Weihai, we specially focused on the helical rotary actuators manufacture including R&D, manufacture, sales and after-sale service. Products widely used in construction, Energy, Marine, Material Handling, Mining fields.

 Weighing on the innovation and continuously improvemnt, our professional team pay much attention on quality, most key parts sourced from international brand companies, all our design and manufacture achieved by adopting CAD/CAE system. with advanced production manage system.